A downloadable game

A quick and dirty remake of the TI99 Version of Hunt the Wumpus! This is the first independent project I've officially seen to completion so its rough, but I need to get it out. May polish and expand upon prototype

Update Log
v.0.02 - Added Wumpus and Slime prototypes, death animations


Wumpus3D_v0.01a.zip 34 MB
Wumpus3D_v0.02a.zip 41 MB

Install instructions

Download, unzip, and run the program


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Ah, this brings back memories! I also had a TI99 back in the day and remember playing this. Neat to see a 3D version of it! If you could add some creepy ambient sounds or music I think that would take this to the next level.


Planning on working on that! There's a lot I want to do now that I have a barebones structure to work off of. With the small hallways it works remarkably well in first person, even without a map